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File Structure

Backframe comes with an opinionated file structure. This is the default structure, but you can customize it to your liking. We designed the file structure to be as simple as possible, while still being flexible enough to handle most use cases.

The src directory

The src directory is where you will write all of your code. This is where you should place all of your typescript files (if you are using typescript). When building the app under the hood, backframe will compile all of the files in this directory and output them to the .bf directory. Under the src directory, there is a special reserved directory: routes

The src/routes directory

The src/routes directory is where you will write all of your routes. Any file in this directory will be treated as a route. For example, if you have a file called src/routes/users.ts, then you will be able to access that route at /users. If you have a file called src/routes/users/$id.ts, then you will be able to access that route at /users/:id. Learn more about routing patterns in the routing section.

The bin/serve.mjs file

This file is used to serve your app in production. During development, you can use the bf serve command which used a locally installed version of the backframe cli. To avoid installing the cli on your production server, you can use this file to serve your app.

The bf.config.ts file

This file is used to configure your app. You can learn more about the configuration options in the configuration section.